Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Good Pickins

Baby girl is scheduled to finish cookin exactly six weeks from today.  It's weird how fast this last little bit has gone, and I find myself counting down the days until I'm done with work so I can really focus on her arrival. I'll be honest and say this pregnancy has been pretty easy compared with some other pregnancy stories I've heard (the Hubs might beg to differ), and I count myself pretty lucky that things have gone so smoothly. However, I will say that I am exhausted. All. The. Time. I come home from work and just want to sleep for hours upon hours. Then wake up, and go back to sleep. But alas, this is not possible. So you can imagine how I feel about cooking. Not good. That's where my good pickins comes in. To be honest, I'd rather not admit this, because it shows what a horrible eternal partner I currently am...but Daniel cooks dinner almost every night. And not lame college meals like hot dogs and top ramen, we are talking high quality gourmet meals. No joke. Don't believe me? I've got proof...

I know, right?

AND he's handsome! 

See what I mean? I don't know how I came to deserve this guy, but he makes my life so good. I'm thinking maybe it wouldn't be bad to be pregnant forever so that the Hubs would cook every night permanently (Kidding, guys. Eternal pregnancy sounds awful). Though if I asked him to, he probably would do that anyway regardless of my womb status. He's that good. As if that's not fantastic enough, the Hubs cleaned up afterwards, too. Promise. And I grabbed my camera to document it instead of helping out (I actually normally help out with this stuff, I promise). You're welcome. 

All I can say is, this guy must love me a lot to have a full school schedule, two jobs, and still find the time to make me dinner and help out with...everything. I'm one lucky gal to have this handsome guy. Love you, babes!


  1. kait! dont feel bad.. shane is the cook of the family in our house! it was hard for me at first, and embarrassing but why not let him put those talents to good use when i am lacking in them! haha

  2. Seriously though, I feel like the lamest wife in the whole world. So I'm glad you guys are the same haha. I feel lame, but it's actually the greatest thing ever :)
