Summer is in full force and we have been having a pretty spectacular time. June brought a massive heat wave, the purchase of our first home, lot's and lot's of water time, and Daniel's first real job! I've decided this is going to be the hottest summer of my life and have vowed to never be pregnant during the summer ever again. Ever. Again. I'll just leave it at that.
Let's start out the array of pictures with this beauty. Emma has really begun to enjoy dressing herself and some of the things (or lack thereof) she comes out in totally crack me up.
Emma learned the meaning of 'delicious' and has decided to use it often.
The day before we moved, Emma decided to literally leave her mark on our apartment. Fortunately it was relatively easy to clean up, but momma was still not too pleased to walk in to such a masterpiece (even though that guilty face is pretty stinking adorable).
Emma's best friend for life, Ella, came to check out the new house and it made me super happy we moved close enough that these two cuties can still get together so often.
Emma has begun an early addiction with the donuts at Provo Bakery. And let's be honest, I feed that addicted waaaay to often.
We randomly decided to check out an outdoor pioneer museum one Saturday....mostly because they had these cute little ponies.
Sharing my love for the Costco food court with my kin.
This summer we've hopped around to all the nearby splash pads and have been lucky enough for Claire and Ella to accompany us a few times! Emma has become quite the little water baby and would go splash padding/swimming every single day if I let her.
When my mom was in town a few weeks ago, we took Emma to a carnival and despite the somewhat stoic look on her face in most of the pictures, she absolutely loved it!
Don't worry, this was before the ride started ;)
We have a serious Daddy's girl on our hands
Patiently waiting for the ride to start
We took a quick trip up to Idaho and visited some senior couples from Daniel's mission. I am totally kicking myself for not getting pictures with either couple, because both have had such an impact on our lives and we sure do love them! I did, however, manage to snag a few pics of Emma on the trip...
While in Idaho, we stopped by the grave of Daniel's grandpa to show Emma and pay our respects. I have heard so many wonderful stories about Grandpa Burgess and it was really wonderful to hear Daniel talk about him as we visited the grave site. He was a pretty incredible man and I wish Emma and I could have had the opportunity to know him before he passed away.
June, thanks for being so good to us.
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